shall we?

shall we?

Hello, and happy Thursday. The sun is shining, and Chaucer has the poop zoomies. Mom has a load of sheets in the wash. I slept through her loading the washer so mine aren’t in there this time around. Maybe I’ll be a functional adult and put them in the next load.

I know it sounds like I have one set of sheets and I’m grossly living in them nonstop. That’s entirely false. I’ll have you know I have two sets of sheets. I just really hate the second set. The fitted sheet won’t stay in place. As a result, I never use the set. I’m a gross adult, but I have my reasons.

After a month of rain, we’ve been seeing some consistent sunshine this week. Mom went to her friend’s house for the biweekly cleaning. I went out and treated myself to lunch.

I was able to go outside and snag some spin time last night. It was a nice clear night, the ground was dry, the toads were hiding and staying off my path. For the first time in a while, I tore my feet up because I refuse to wear shoes. The heat forced me back inside after 30 minutes, which was about the same time my phone overheated and refused to shoot any further video. I’m hopeful that the weather won’t be so hot at the end of the month that it shuts down when being used as a GPS when I drive north.

I’m starting to plan more shit with this drive. We don’t talk about how scared I am.

Today, we’re doing nothing. Mom has the laundry going. I don’t think we’re going out, so I might take a trip to the truck and look through its back.


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