Yes, it’s Wednesday. Get moving.

I woke this morning to the almost-but-not-quite quiet sound of Chaucer aggressively licking himself. Just as my brain decrypted the sounds it heard, he dropped off my bed and puked dangerously close to my pile of sandals. It’s been a long time since I’ve been woken up by Cat Techno. Most of the time he does it overnight, leaving it for someone to find it in the morning.

I took a break from Subnautica yesterday and played some Baldur’s Gate 2 instead. Sometimes, you just don’t want to be terrified during a game. I don’t know where I am in the main story line because the quest/journal system makes it incredibly difficult for me to determine what’s part of the main story line and what’s a side quest.

I finally worked up the nerve to swim up to a reefback the other night. Later, I positioned myself in a spot where the camera could just barely make out two of them as vague dirigibles in a vast open water. Then, I made Mom wear the headphones and take a look/listen. At first, she only heard the sound of the bubbles from my character’s oxygen tanks. She didn’t look very impressed, but then the reefbacks started singing and she understood what I’ve been trying to tell her.

Yesterday’s weather was

Mom is going out today. I’ll take the chance to go get lunch and watch Netflix on a normal screen. Maybe some daytime spin time.

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