Good morning, and welcome to yet another Valentine’s Day post. Yay 💓

Since Shawshank has Mondays off, we had a good day together. He put on the trial in the morning. We watched/listened to that while we dicked around before we headed out to Slightly BiggerTown. It wasn’t a big trip this week. We didn’t have a lot on our shopping lists, so we were back home by the early afternoon. I quickly boxed up a package to ship down to Florida while Shawshank filled out the customs forms. We shipped that out, chased down a package that came in for him, and that concluded the day’s errands. Our arrival was almost perfectly timed for the court’s return from their lunch break. We spent the remainder of the afternoon watching the forensic pathologist’s testimony and reading commentary on it.

Two of my birthday/Valentines gifts from Shawshank were delivered yesterday. He replaced and upgraded my Bluetooth butt-selfie trigger. I’ve gone from a 2-button remote to 6 buttons. He also snagged the Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection, which I’ve had on my wishlist and drooled over since it was released. I’ve had too much of a game backlog to buy it before now1, even though it’s almost always on sale. He says there’s more on the way for me, but the tracking numbers are giving wildly different expected arrival dates with every update. I’m still waiting for his gift to arrive. I didn’t notice it was shipping from a third party when I ordered his gift on Amazon, and the seller didn’t supply a tracking number. I expect it this week, in the mix of NSFW deliveries.

If you listen to Shawshank‘s plans for me today, I should be busy all day. According to him, I need to assume my human form early, try out the new butt-button and stuff until he comes home at lunch. Finish “work” early and I’d have the afternoon free to edit pics and play some games. Mind you, the entire time I’m doing these activities, I’m more than likely going to be listening to/watching the trial. Multitasking is 💫magical💫. The other restaurant in town is doing a Valentine’s Day dinner special tonight, with the choice between prime rib or chicken cordon bleu. Shawshank called yesterday and made reservations for us, so that’s our plan for tonight.

1 But you just bought Breath of The Wild last week! you might say. Yes, I did. It’s not three games added to the backlog at once.2
2 Oh, wait, didn’t I just buy four fucking Trine games a couple of weeks back? That we played for an afternoon and then stopped? Yep.


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