Remember, remember

Remember, remember

It’s Wednesday, and I finally had a decent sleep. No nightmares, no laying awake in the middle of the night, struggling to get back to sleep. He was very happy to hear things were better overnight.

He left for work at 6:30am, leaving me happily snuggling under a blanket for a little nap with the kitties. Unfortunately, a terrible dream woke me up a full 45 minutes before my alarm is scheduled to go off. The worst dreams for me are those that start off good before going bad. I was dreaming about the two of us helping my sister set up for some type of party, sorting through photos. In the dream, we were all laughing about something. Then it was as though my sister suddenly remembered –


– she wasn’t supposed to like him. Like she noticed him for the first time and physically recoiled from him. I woke up immediately.


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