Please Don’t Get Sick

Please Don’t Get Sick

It’s Wednesday, and I’m exhausted. I don’t know why, but I’ll deal. I’ll try harder to go to bed a bit earlier tonight. I say that, but I won’t. You know it, and I know it. When it comes good sleeping habits, I’m all talk and no action.

It was a slow shift yesterday. The state shut down all nonessential businesses at noon, and we definitely felt the effects of it. I went to the post office on Monday morning, and the streets were empty. My normal commute has been cut in half. As a pharmacy, we’re considered essential, so we’re not closing. We’re trying to be very proactive about getting as much filled for our patients at one time, so they don’t need an excuse to leave their houses. Corporate has received a crazy amount of bad press over how it’s handling things. In an effort to look better, they’re giving us a bonus, in addition to the whole “wearing o’ the jeans”. Our store manager laid down lines of tape on the floor to encourage people to void clumping up in lines. We still need to yell at people.

Shawshank told me the warden had a “town hall meeting” this week with each unit. They told him and his fellow detainees to wash their hands. They haven’t seen anything in the facility, but really, it’s only a matter of time. There aren’t as many CO’s in each unit; he figures they’re down about 25% of the staff he normally sees. He gets only snippets of news inside, and I know he’s scared. I don’t think he’s scared for himself, only that I’ll get it and he won’t be around to help.

We got our first confirmed case of Corona in the community I work in. Last night, local news announced that several employees of two area hospitals have tested positive.

I just coughed.


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