The Calm Before

Another slow shift. The work is slow enough to allow us to get some projects done. Now that we’re much more accustomed to the new system and everything, we’re starting to clean up all the messes we just fall to the wayside over the last four months.

Unfortunately, we know this is all going to be a short-lived calm. One of our regular patients is a nurse in a local hospital. BossRPh asked her how they were handling things up there. “We have entire Corona floors now,” she replied. “All we can do is isolate them and do what we can to treat who we can.” We’ve only officially dealt with one positive case; no one can tell us if him being in the store is considered “contact”. Corporate has given us information about what to do if an employee is sick, but nothing about sick customers or patients. We expect it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Two more letters in the mail. Shawshank‘s gone from two sheets of paper to four, at a minimum. He told me tonight, he’s really trying to put some thought into what he writes so he doesn’t repeat things. By putting more letters into every envelope, he can look back at what he’s written. I’m planning to make digital copies of everything he sends me. He gave me permission to share things, both the funny and not so funny.

Most of tonight’s call was about what’s happening “outside”. Neither of us brings up the possibility of not being able to visit after this weekend. I’m hoping they lift the restrictions at the end of this month. If I can’t get in there before his next court date, I think he’s going to be in a very bad headspace. Fuck, I don’t think I’ll be in a good headspace if that’s the case.

In better topics…

Living alone, while not enjoyable in the least, is survivable. I’m trying not to get into a food rut. My biggest issue is wanting to eat all the stuff I’ve bought to create some variety right away, which would mean a week of eating the same thing every night. The first half of April’s bills are scheduled to go out on Friday. I’ll pay the other half when they show up in my mailbox.

The packing continues. Unfortunately, the weather hasn’t been nice enough to get any photos of items I want to sell. It looks like I’m waiting until the weekend again. I got rid of several more items from the basement with today’s trash pickup. Tomorrow, a local group is picking up three more bags of clothing. If I remember in the morning, there’s enough upstairs in a closet and in a dresser to fill at least another bag or two. I only need to haul my ass out of bed early enough.

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