

Good morning, and TGIF. TGIFF, really. Thank god it’s fucking Friday.

It’s been a long fucking week. I’ve gone from planning his escape to planning my own potential escape. The Be Sharp book has transitioned from pages full of lawyers’ names and numbers, to lists of things to be sold and the pros and cons of my options. This weekend, the lists become even more detailed as I start inventorying our collectibles in preparation to sell them off.

Wednesday, I talked to my mom between the calls from him. After the opening pleasantries, she didn’t waste any time. “Do you want me to come up and help you clean?” I told her I’m not to that point just yet, I’m going to declutter things first, but I would definitely need her help when it came to the selling in a few weeks. We talked about the options I had in mind, between the local and the long distance plans for moving.

“It’s a lot to think about,” I said.

“It is,” she replied. “But you need to go with the flow, and do what’s best for you, no one else. Follow your heart, and your gut. Just remember I’ll be in your corner no matter what you choose.”


He called last night. After 2 minutes of navigating the menu to accept his call, I greeted him with “Waddup, Shawshank?” It was nice to hear him laugh. He ran down a list of things he wanted me to keep. They started small, with a couple of sentimental stuffed animals, his berth certificate and Canadian documentation, etc. Then he added bigger items, like the Instant Pot, the Keurig, the 55″ TV. I stopped him right there. “I’m bringing me, some clothes, and the cats. Nothing else. Anything more than that needs to be shipped.” Because I’ll be driving, my plan is to make a road trip out of it. Ideally, and depending on what I can get together for cash between the house and investments, I’d like to buy a small, teardrop camper and a reliable vehicle.

That’s the current plan. I’m not sure what sort of timeline he’s on; his roommate told him they try to get them in and out of the facility with a four week turnaround. Tomorrow, it will be one week since his arrest. He’ll basically just tell them which airport to send him to and they’ll put him on a plane. I think he’ll go to his parents’ town and find work while I finish things here, and he can handle the logistics of housing for us up there.


  1. Steve

    I’m so sorry you have to go through all this (he is indeed a lucky guy). A fresh start could be for the best. Your mom will always be down south if things don’t work out.

  2. John H

    Second what Steve said, and your mom really nailed it with doing what’s best for *you* in the middle of all this.

    Hit us up if you need anything, be glad to help in what ever small way we can.

  3. crystal

    Thanks, guys 🙂

    Right now, I’m trying to come up with things that could possibly throw a monkey wrench in the works. It looks like he’s going to be sent home sooner rather than later, and I’m looking to get out in late spring/early summer, if things go smoothly and I can sell this place.

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