On the half shell with tobasco

It’s Thursday. I lost Wednesday. No one pointed out it was Wednesday yesterday when I posted. Y’all let me lose an entire day. What good are you?

I pushed myself into a workout yesterday. It was mostly lower body and HIIT cardio. The heat got to me, unfortunately. I wasn’t able to go as long as I would have preferred. I made up for it later, with an hour long poi practice after lunch. That counts for something, right?

I’ve been working on figuring out a move for about a week now. I’m not getting anywhere with it. It’s nothing particularly showy, and most wouldn’t really notice it. At a higher skill level, it can be really useful in terms of transitions. I’m not at that skill level. I’m not letting it bother me.

However, I did start practicing the core movements of another move that I’ve struggled with for years now. It’s amazing how much easier it is to learn a move when your poi are going in the right direction.

Unfortunately, I’ve been up since about 4:30 am. I feel like I almost always wake up early on the days Brian works farther from the house. He’s up a little earlier than usual on those days. I assume it’s simply a matter of my sleep cycle combined with him making noise at a different time than usual. I’m still in a fog because I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’ll probably be an absolute bitch later.

Not that it matters. I’ve got no real plans.

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