On Brussels and Boxes

Good morning! We’ve made it over the hump, and we’re sliding down to the weekend. I have a coffee, I’m dressed and ready for a workout. As soon as I finish this post, I can go upstairs and get my sweat on. It’s already warm, and it looks like it will quickly heat up as the morning progresses. There’s also some pretty nasty thunderstorms in the forecast for the afternoon – pretty much my entire shift. Maybe I can actually do some work.

Yesterday was ok. It was steady, but we didn’t need to ask DayTech to come in early. As I predicted yesterday, StressedRPh was on my ass from the very start. I hadn’t even punched in when she waves a list of patient names around – A NEW FUCKING LIST – and tells me these people really need to be called today. Fine, I’ll call people. I’ll call people between my time at the register, on the phone, the order, and the never-ending cascade of patient scripts to be filled.

I called six people.

But it wasn’t all suckiness and bulshit yesterday. Since there’s some sort of promotion at work this month for back to school supplies, …

yeah…. “Back to School” is going to be really interesting this year.

Regardless, we have special t-shirts and can wear jeans for the duration of the promotion. Jeans are always good. It wasn’t a late shift, which is also nice. Then, I made a massive dinner of roasted Brussels sprouts and sausage. Like, we’re talking A LOT of sprouts. No good can ever come of eating that many tiny cabbages, but I don’t give a shit. I tossed them in some homemade guiltless Caesar dressing, added some crumbles of bleu cheese, and stuffed myself. They were delicious.

The highlight of the night was my regular post-dinner call to Shawshank. We text most of the day, if I can. However, he goes out for a walk after dinner and I call him. He fills me in on small town life. He thinks he met a neighbor yesterday. She knew his name, and what businesses he visited last week. He’s never met her in his life. He watched a guy ride a little girl’s bike while carrying a case of beer. The bike’s owner was not impressed and took it away, forcing the guy to walk the rest of the way home with the booze.

And then there was Boxboy. Boxboy was first seen standing on top of a forklift. Later, he spent five minutes running up and down several blocks with a box on his head.

All hail Boxboy.


  1. Italia
    July 23, 2020

    Are those telephone poles ..in the street?

    • July 23, 2020

      It’s how they roll here. Don’t judge, ya’ll don’t know them!

    • crystal
      July 23, 2020


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