We woke up to gray skies and chilly air – quite the change from the weekend! The high temperature on today’s forecast won’t be much more than our low temps from last week. I’m wearing leggings and a hoodie. It’s weird.
Yesterday was one of those days where everything is weird because you switched a schedule and you’re doing things on the “wrong” day. I put on makeup and we made our way out to Slightly BiggerTown to do a light shopping and grab lunch. The drive was nice. Every week, everything is greener. Everything is at the perfect height for gorgeous landscape shots where the fields move like the bay.
We didn’t have a big list, nor did we have any extra stops (ie. the thrift shop was closed) so our shopping trip finished pretty quick. My Florida license plate was a novelty to the gas station attendant, my Vibrams were super interesting to the girl who took my lunch order. Once we came home, Shawshank loaded up Tears of The Kingdom and I watched TikTok and fed the ADHDemons. Eventually, I opted to work on a pair of pants.

One thing that I find fascinating when making all these pants is how a fabric that I absolutely love as a fabric can be so fucking different as a garment. I was so thrilled to find these sheets, I love ridiculously loud patterns and this one is definitely one of the best I’ve stumbled upon. My brain has been working overtime to unlock whatever core memory features this print. I think I might be remembering a tablecloth my grandmother had on her patio table, or possibly a grill cover. Unfortunately, bright orange and yellow aren’t the best choice for my skin tone. I’m not tan enough to pull off this look.
South of the Wall, today is the 4th of July. I’m sort of sad, as none of the news programs we’ve watched have had the typical fireworks warnings. Is it really Independence Day if we don’t see a mannequin demonstrating the dangers of holding lit fireworks? It’s simply Tuesday for us. Shawshank is back to work, for whatever shift he can stick to. I’m planning to finish a second pair of pants, and try to finish setting up my Etsy shop.
I’ll do things, I swear.
Let the work week begin.