Monday Morning’s Missing Bread

Monday Morning’s Missing Bread

Good morning, party people.🥳

I’d like to ask everyone to keep their eyes open for a load of bread. We bought a loaf yesterday, bright it in the house, and do you think we can find that sucker this morning when it’s time to make his lunch? No. Of course not. That bastard’s well and gone and who knows where it’s hiding by this time.

With NewTech still being trained, BossRPh has modified my schedule yet again, having me stay until 6pm. This gives the pharmacy an hour of overlapping tech help if needed. I’m probably going to have to talk to her about it; I need to pick him up, and my 5pm shifts were perfect to pick him up when he gets out at 5:30. If I hit traffic, he’d still only be waiting a few minutes. With this change, he’d be waiting at least an hour for me to get him if I’m leaving at 6. Not cool.

But, whatever. I’ll deal. There’s bigger shit to worry about.

Have an excellent week, everyone 💛❤️


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