New Year, Same Bitching

Happy Thursday. Today is neither a holiday, nor a Friday, nor a weekend, so I guess there’s nothing particularly special about it.

We had a great day off. I did a workout in the morning and came downstairs to a load of dishes in the sink and Gloomhaven set up. We completed three rooms of a random dungeon before lunch, having a load of fun. We took a break after lunch, then did one of the campaign scenarios until it was almost time to cook dinner. It’s definitely not a game where you can say, “hey, we’ve got a little time to kill, let’s play a round.” It takes at least 15-20 minutes to get a random encounter set up, and usually a couple of hours to run through an encounter. However, it’s something to do together instead of sitting on the couch watching TV, which is nice. We keep the TV to the couple of hours after dinner, and it works out well.

My mom messaged me last night to let me know she’s coming up in a couple of weeks for my nephew’s birthday. One positive thing: she won’t be staying here this time around. Staying here would force her to acknowledge HE’S STILL HERE. She’ll be splitting her stay between my uncle’s house and my sister’s, and I won’t have to drop clean my house for her stay.

Unfortunately, every time she comes up to visit, I always feel like she’s operating under the assumption I can just tell BossRPh “I’m not coming in for a few days, Mom‘s here.” I feel like she expects me to be available constantly to visit all the time. It was one thing before EVERYTHING HAPPENED. If she wasn’t staying here, we could get together for dinner or visit on the weekend.

Now, in the AFTERMATH, she’s not going to come to our house for dinner, anything after work would mean picking him up and bringing him home, then making a trip to someone else’s house. Weekend visits would be the same; it’s going to be hectic enough the weekend of the birthday party trying to do weekend morning shifts and drive to the other end of the state for a kiddy party.

Today, being the first day we’re open in the pharmacy in the new year, is probably going to be hell. Half our patients are going to have insurance issues. A bunch are will have to deal with higher costs because the new year means their deductible needs to be met. And no matter what, it’s always a surprise to them, because no one can be bothered to read anything about their coverage’s costs.

“I never paid that before!” they’ll cry.

“Is it a new plan?” I’ll ask, probably 28 times today.


And then I’ll come home and eat my emotions.

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