Maybe I’ll leave the house.

Maybe I’ll leave the house.

Good morning, my friends. It’s Wednesday and I’m feeling good about the day. Aside from Chaucer throwing up in the kitchen again, anyway.

I took a trip across the bay to the visit an uncle and bring over some family stuff. I packed up several boxes with boxes and headed over the bridge. For once, things were organized. Three boxes of books, a tote of paintings, and a bin of needlework pillows. My uncle declined to take any of the books. I’m not surprised, really. They were mostly things from Shawshank‘s and my collection of antique books. None of them were really family things with any sentimental value. He and my aunt kept a few pillows and paintings. The remaining ones will go to Florida to my mom.

I don’t know what I’ll do with the books. I’ll go through them again. Maybe I’ll start making some pretty wreaths with the pages. I actually have the perfect book to use.

Since today was yet another trash pickup day, I cleared out the freezer completely before I took the trash to the curb. I can honestly say I will probably eat most of that stuff before I leave. Then I cleared the usual suspects out of the fridge – random leftovers from the week – and the pantry. There’s still a little more in the pantry, but it was on the very top shelf. I decided the bag was heavy enough without dragging the stool across the kitchen to add more to it.

Today isn’t a scheduled human day. I’ll do a workout, because that’s scheduled. I may go out and buy a couple of wreath bases. Shawshank says it’s ok.

I expect I’ll hear something from our agent about the house at some point. They have the quote to remove the oil tank, and I think they’re working on quotes for the concrete step. A loose sheet of vinyl siding is the only other issue, and I think they want to roll that into the concrete repair. I have a ladder, but I have a terrible fear of heights and so I’m staying on the ground. Someone else can crawl up that ladder.


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