Make it to the Weekend

Hello, loves. It’s Thursday, and this coffee can’t hit hard enough, or fast enough. I went to be a bit later than I’d have liked last night. For someone who had spent an hour or so in tears, writing a post about fatigue, I wasn’t sleepy. I’m actually impressed I was able to fall asleep without any type of pharmaceutical assistance.

It was nice to have a whole shift with DayTech and MusicMan. Everything went smoothly and no one complained about anything for the first time this week. Tonight’s my late shift, and I won’t get home until after dinner. Plus, I can’t shop for the week’s food tonight, I’ll have to go out on Saturday instead. However, the later start will means time for a workout this morning, providing I can move myself off the couch.

I had a nice chat with Shawshank last night. We talked about the Canadian border being closed to nonessential travel for another month. Everything I’ve read says the same thing: as a Canadian citizen, he shouldn’t have any issue getting in. It’s between ICE and the Canadians right now. He’ll have a mandatory quarantine, which he’ll spend trying to get his personal affairs in order. He’ll also need to research the next potential sticking point: whether his charge will bar him from sponsoring me as a permanent resident.

I don’t even want to think about that right now.

If that’s the case, it would mean he couldn’t sponsor me for… I’m guessing about 9 years. It would make all of the bullshit I’ve been doing for the last three months completely pointless. I mean, I’ll have a cleaner, less cluttered house, but that’s not what I want.

Due to the Monday holiday, it’ll be a 3-day weekend for me. I don’t know what I’ll be doing. Shopping, for certain. A workout on at least one day, and #selfcaresaturday, of course. Shawshank will call a couple of times, when he can, and I really need that right now.

But, let’s think about today. It’s Thursday, it’s a shift with MusicMan, and I’ll be cooking some chicken and rice when I come home. The weekend is coming up, and I can make it through the day.

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