
Good morning, world. Happy Weekend. It’s Saturday, and it’s dark. There’s coffee. We have Dateline reruns on. Chaucer is in his spot, and in his mind, everything is right in the world.

As expected, yesterday was exactly what I planned. I turned human, and I played with my toys. It was one of the days where music affected me in ALL THE WAYS. Consequently, I kept moving so I wouldn’t have time to focus on anything long enough to start getting into my head. I ended up enjoying some spin time. I put on fun flow clothes and did my thing. The leviwand has begun showing up in more videos and streams.

I’ve reached a point where I know why I’m not happy with the wand I have, and why I might have struggled so much at that start. When I ordered this one – customized, to my own specifications – I wanted a long string wand. I wanted big spins, but should have chosen the shorter string to learn with. I’m planning to modify the string on my wand, shortening it. I won’t have a knob handle for it, but I’ll deal fine. I would love to upgrade to an LED wand, but it’s way out of my price range.

Shawshank has today off, and we’ll be heading out to Slightly BiggerTown for some supplies. We have a couple of presents for his parents to wrap and bring over to them.


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