I will not buy rollerskates.

Good morning. I think it’s Wednesday. In a way, this is disappointing. I had a moment of panic as I was falling asleep last night. I thought today would be Saturday, and had a sudden thought that Mal was going to leave a random pile of shit in the hallway and the scheduled Roomba run would drag it around the house. Then I realized what day it was.

We managed to leave the house yesterday, and made it to PetSmart, Hobby Lobby, and Big Lots. I’m pretty proud of myself for not buying anything at either of the stores Mom wanted to go into. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to buy the boys their special cat food. It’s been too long since Chaucer‘s initial prescription, and the very wouldn’t renew it without a visit. Since I couldn’t get the food, I ordered some more of the probiotic Mal was given. It seemed to help for the week I gave it to him. Between the probiotics and the Feliway, I’m hoping his tummy straightens out.

It’s a nice enough day to do a workout. Mom may or may not go clean her friend’s house. She also needs to schedule an MRI. I’ve already reminded her to call them. I have a couple of boxes to pack and label, with the intention of going to the post office some time this week.

Unfortunately, I have to treat apart the boxes in the house and I’m the truck. I was certain that I’d put all of the pertinent paperwork I’ll need to cross the border in my hope chest. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. If I can’t find it, I need to order copies of it again. I’m fairly certain it was one of the last things that was packed up. Unfortunately, there’s always that niggling suspicion that I tossed it the day I left Rhode Island.

Let’s see what the day holds.

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