I need to get off of the couch.

It’s the weekend, my friends, let’s make it a good one. I let myself sleep in a bit, which didn’t please the cats. They’re used to getting fed by 6:30am at the latest, and any later indicates their imminent death.

I texted Mom to thank them for the card. She told me to buy food. “That’s always the first thing to get lost when you’re trying to stick to budget,” she said. I told her about how I’m actually doing very well with the budget at the moment. With the stuff I’m selling on eBay and elsewhere, I don’t think I’ve touched Shawshank‘s vacation payout from work, and barely dipped into his final paycheck. Instead, I stashed the Easter check in the emergency account. “That was my other suggestion,” she replied. “Or buy yourself something frivolous that would make you smile.”

“I’ve been trying not to buy too much frivolous stuff,” I explained. “I had enough buyer’s remorse buying little treats for me when there was two incomes in the house. It’s a miracle I didn’t have a complete meltdown after buying the truck.”

“Well, sometimes you need to do you,” she said.

She’s always logical. Sometimes, I do need to buy myself something. Unfortunately, I do tend to get spectacularly bad buyer’s remorse when I treat myself. Most of the time, it’s purely in my head, and I get worked up over nothing: I’m not going broke because I bought a lipstick. Sometimes, the anxiety about a purchase makes sense. Do I want to use that check and put it towards a Nintendo Switch so I can play Skyrim whenever I want? Hell yeah, I’d love it.

Do I need yet another piece of tech?

Fuck no.

Last night, I spent two hours disassembling Shawshank‘s Lego model of the Sydney Opera House. TWO HOURS. It fit into three gallon-sized storage bags and two quart bags. Over rest of the weekend, I’ll pull apart the Lego R2-D2 and three smaller sets. There’s only one auction finishing this weekend, unless someone buys something outright.

Since it’s Saturday, it means a long workout. I did the shopping yesterday, thus have no reason to leave the house. Instead, I’ll be working on clearing out the boxes that have overrun the dining room. Much of the clutter is stuff I’ve moved out of other spaces. For instance, there’s a large box of random shit I hauled out of the closet at the very beginning of The Great Sort. These are things that I didn’t properly sorted through the first time, like a couple of corsets, random cosplay props, and a box of books.

I thought I’d save all of these random items for the yard sale I planned. That was before the plague rolled through and shut that shit down. While a lot of it will end up on Facebook Marketplace, I think a lot more will end up on the curb than I initially planned.

What else do I have planned for the weekend? Another long soak in the tub; long live #SELFCARESATURDAY. It’s Chaucer‘s birthday, and I think I’ll make myself something tasty for dinner that he can have a bit of as a treat.

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