Booty Blast

Good day, internet. It’s a damned sunny morning, and the rest of the day looks like much of the same.

It’s been a busy morning at Casa de Chicky. I was up at the regular time – “regular” meaning the alarm(s) went off and I snoozed them a few times, then crawled out of bed 45 minutes later. The cats were fed, and the coffee was made. Between those two very important tasks, I threw on some workout clothes and brushed my teeth. Then I went back upstairs and did a workout, because I was already dressed and had no excuse not to.

My ass will be very sore. Remember the old Bloom County comics, where Opus the penguin’s ass would fall off? That’s what will happen.

Shawshank still has Camp Quarantine’s iPad, so we spent another night in a video chat while I painted some minis. He did some research on what sort of phone plans he could get once he’s out of the hotel. There was also a point where he tried to explain to his mom (gently) why he can’t go with some of her suggestions. She wants to help so badly. Shawshank finally told her to think of him like a teenager. He needs to re-establish himself as a Canadian, at square one.

My budget needs to be tweaked a bit. While there’s no more care packages for Shawshank, there will be a phone to worry about, at least until he can figure out work. I think it’s almost time to figure out work benefits, and I can save money by taking him off of the medical coverage.

A patient gave me a $5 tip yesterday because I ran her meds out to her car so she didn’t need to come inside. She told me to use it to buy a coffee. Since today is a late shift, I’ll use it to buy a bagel on the way into work. MusicMan is the boss today, and I can expect the day to go pretty smoothly. I’ll probably keep a little notepad near me and write down what to buy for dinner next week, and what I need for the yard sale.

But, that’s my Tuesday Wednesday.

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