button mashing

Good morning, internetties. Happy Tuesday. It’s a dark morning here. I’ve been up since around 5am. The bed was warm, thus I was warm, and there was no fixing that this morning. I scrolled through my phone for 15 minutes and then pulled the mask back down and tried to sleep some more. I’m not sure if I slept again. Eventually, I gave up trying and crawled out of bed about 15 minutes before the alarm went off.

Our lazy day off was pretty good. Shawshank made us a fabulous brunch, and I ate two little peanut butter and bacon sandwiches with some home fries. We didn’t get dressed. Later in the afternoon, Shawshank put a controller in my hand and loaded up Cat Quest II. We’re in the final battle. We’ve failed a couple of times. We’ll probably grind another couple of levels so we can afford to upgrade some skills and equipment, and keep trying. Shawshank likes that one better than Trine; he’s much happier just hitting shit than figuring out the puzzles.

Tuesdays are working days. Shawshank is in the shop today, but the boss is out of the country. The vacuum is scheduled to do its thing in the morning. I’m going to attempt to take some pics, edit them, and set up a week of content to post automagically. I probably won’t successfully complete all my tasks – that’s just the way I am. I can handle taking the pics easily, as long as I can get into the groove. That’s the biggest task, so executive dysfunction be damned. I prefer editing while Shawshank works. Even if he does get all the pics at the end of the day, I feel very weird scrolling through my camera roll full of nudes with him right next to me. Weirder still if I’m managing photos on the laptop.

Oh well. Time for human things.

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