

Last night’s storms were fabulous, and my sleep was much better than the night before, where I had a terribly sad dream that ruined the rest of the night for me. I was only up once last night, and was able to sleep through the rest of the night. Yesterday’s shift was mentally exhausting, with StressedRPh huffing in frustration over problems that exist solely in her own mind.

The car, having just been fixed two weeks ago, started making a strange noise yesterday morning. He doesn’t seem to be worried, or is trying to put on the brave face for my sanity’s sake. I was pulling out of the parking lot of his workplace this morning when he ran up to the car and started frantically motioning for me to roll down the window. My panic rises quickly, my brain jumping to the immediate conclusion that he’s spotted the source of the mysterious sound and it’s a BAD THING.

“I forgot my cigarettes at home, can you bring them to me on your way in?”

And that’s why I didn’t do yoga this morning.

Happy Thursday, my friends. Make it a good one. 💫


  1. John H

    LOL my girl would have had the exact same reaction in that scenario.

    Happy Thursday Crystal 😎👍

    • crystal

      He did apologise and promise to not scare me like that again 🙂

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