Friday Musings


It was a crappy Thursday. With the system overhaul coming next week, BossRPh is trying to get as much shit taken care of before things get totally crazy. Unfortunately, the majority of things can’t really be handled until after the overhaul, or aren’t anything that we techs can do.

I’m not sure what’s happening in terms of scheduling, but she gave me a day off next week for court, and asked yesterday if I could come in at all. Umm, I’m spending the day at the courthouse. We don’t know how long anything is going to take, only that “there’s some paperwork involved.” Who knows if I’m going to be mentally capable of handling even the three hours she wants, which naturally have to be with StressedRPh. Fuck, I’ll be spending the day watching my husband sign over the next decade of his life to the state, maybe he won’t want to be alone that night.

Maybe he’ll just want to go out for dinner and celebrate not being in prison.

Last night was no better. It took forever to get to sleep. It’s not that my mind was spiraling out of control again, but it just didn’t want to sleep. When I finally got to sleep, it was light and restless and barely counted as a rest at all. I’ve been up since about 4am, as best as I can tell. I tried to take a nap after first commute, but it’s going to be a long day, and I’m hoping for a better night tonight.

But… It’s Friday. The weekend is here, it’s a BossRPh shift today, and I can do a long workout tomorrow morning before we start the weekend chores. I’ll make it a good day.

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