it’s blowing outside.

it’s blowing outside.

Morning, y’all. The thunderstorms we were expecting blew through overnight. I was awake long enough to hear the rain start before midnight. I can’t prove there was thunder; if there was, I slept through it. At the moment, however, we’ve got a shitload of wind happening over here. It’s actually a little concerning.

We went out to Walmart yesterday morning. Brian’s mother wanted to print photos from a recent road trip. Unfortunately, plugging her phone into the kiosk and following screen prompts is too much for her. We eventually directed her through the prompts and to the point where she was selecting the photos to she wanted to print. That’s easy enough, until she’s selected about 15 things. At some point, something flipped in her head where she thought she was selecting the things she didn’t want. Subsequently, we have to scroll through things all over again, selecting different things.

Mom and I helped her, then went grocery shopping. Mom figured we may as well do it while we were there. They have an tax-prep appointment this morning, and then will drop off some food at the Compound. They’ll probably be out while I have my virtual interview. We’re all ok with that.

I’m trying not to be too nervous about this interview. I don’t know if this is with someone local or if it’s a third party group. Honestly, I’m more worried that they’ll see me as completely not cut out for this shit. I’m a fast learner, but my inexperience has me worried they’ll see me as someone too old to be in this business. Like, I don’t want to be a cross between Steve Buschemi’s “fellow kids” and an “I’ll take one marijuana, please” meme.

Unfortunately, things are too windy to be outside for anything today. No poi for me today, but here’s one from the other night.

1 Comment

  1. You got the interview. You’ll dazzle them with your brilliance! Sending positive vibes your way!

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