Good morning, world. I was up early this morning, something/someone (I think Brian) was making noises in the pantry and unwrapping Halloween candy. I hope I’m not that loud when I’m binge eating Starbursts in bed at midnight.
We managed to get Mom out yesterday, dragging her to a hardware store 40 minutes away so she could buy some wind chimes. I managed to avoid feeding into the cycle of retail therapy and buyer’s remorse by spending money on gifts for Shawshank‘s mom and gram.
I mean, I did spend money on me as well, but I spent money on them too. That’s not as bad, right? I bought a Baja hoodie/drug rug-style poncho. I should have just bought the hoodie, but I didn’t want to look like a complete stoner.
The highlight of the drive was spotting a Radio Shack. A FUCKING RADIO SHACK. I haven’t seen a Shack since about ’96.

We flew past so quickly I barely got a pic of it, let alone actually venturing inside. Not that there’s anything in there that I actually need, although I’m sure I could spend money in it.
Today, it looks like it’s sunny. I have another coat of red paint to put on the fire alarm box. I believe we’re going to to find one more bit of paint, and a couple of paint brushes. If we do go out, I’ll make a quick tour through the watercolors and see what they have for paint kits and brushes. If we can get out early enough, I’d like to go out and get lunch, but I’m not going to bank on that.
But we were so convinced of our badassery. Lol
The badassery came into play when we changed the screensaver to say stupid shit like “I LOVE BEASTIALITY” or some shit that made us edgy 14 year olds.