No capes, no wings, no costume

Thursday came and went and now it’s Friday. May your morning wakeup beverage of choice be as l perfect as possible.

I took advantage of yesterday’s sunshine and went outside for some poi. I went back to basics for a bit, then moved on and drilled a new move. The move isn’t super difficult, but it looks flashy if you can pull it off smoothly.

I’m not at that point.

Mom had a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon The office was backed up and we had an hour wait, and Mom was annoyed by the time she was seen. They’re trying yet another drug for her pain. She has another appointment today, this time some sort of test. Depending on where the office and their waiting area rules, I’ll pack the sockpoi along with my Switch and headphones. Indoors or out, I’ll find some way to amuse myself while we wait.

We stopped at Walmart on the way home from yesterday’s appointment. I picked things out for Halloween. I put them back. I’ll do this several more times between now and Halloween. Around a week before the holiday, one of two things will happen. Option #1, I’ll spend too much money at a Halloween store and get upset about spending money. The second option is do nothing at all and then lash out at Shawshank in annoyance that I didn’t do anything.

There’s also a slim chance that if I go with option 1, I can’t spin poi without getting them tangled in a costume.

Welcome to my head. Enjoy your stay.

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