Allo, world. We’ve made it: happy Friday. The sun is shining but the air is brisk. Chaucer is staring at Shawshank, silently demanding a taste of Dad’s Froot Loops.
Once again, I started the night in the bedroom but ended up sleeping on the couch. This time around, I didn’t cough quite as much. I managed to get out and squared away in my blanket nest and back to sleep with a minimal amount of lung-hacking. So far, I’ve completed one full night in the bed.
How romantic- separated for 8 months and we still can’t spend the night together.
The cats have decided it’s easy enough to be civil. Chaucer largely prefers to be left alone. Sometimes he plays with the laser, or a ball, but he’s mostly the same crabby old man. Last night, Pippin was playing with a toy and running around all crazy-like (in what will be henceforth known as The Great Tromping). Chaucer was on the couch watching her with great interest, and she loves to blow right past him if he’s on the floor with her. She ran right up and got in his face yesterday, and he was too shocked to do anything before she ran off again.
I asked Shawshank if there’s anything he would like me to do today. I spent a lot of Tuesday working on the website for his shop, but yesterday I felt like I was . At the moment, my “chore” is to get the Switch hooked up to the TV.
I love calicoes