I say grow that shit like a jungle

I say grow that shit like a jungle

Good morning, y’all. Happy Humpday. I think. Nope, wait, it’s Tuesday. My mental calendar is all screwed up since Brian had a extra day off for the weekend road trip. Tuesday, Wednesday, whatever day it may be, we have clear skies, and a lot of sunshine. I believe the weather is supposed to be pretty nice for the rest of the day; Mom has a load of laundry in the wash, and she wouldn’t if we were expecting rain.

A law office from back home called yesterday. I pushed it to voicemail while I looked up what type of lawyer. Amusingly, the search results indicated I’d last visited that website in February of 2020. I assumed they were one of several lawyers I called two years ago when DHS picked up Shawshank. Since I know that’s not something I’m worrying about these days, I was more curious about the voicemail than anything else. The message confirmed I had contacted them at some point – the only one who returned my call back then. I’m pretty sure someone in the office really fucked up their dates. This lawyer left me a message that sounded like this was the first time she’d seen it. I almost hope she calls back this afternoon so I can ask her WTF happened to make her call me.

We also went out and did some basic food shopping. I picked up some new earbuds, which are nice. Unfortunately, while they stay in pretty well, they are a little bulkier than is comfortable to sleep in. However, I think they’ll be great for spinning poi. At the rate I’m going, I’ll have to have a charging hub for all of the earbuds I have.

All hail the 90’s

I might go out again later this afternoon. I quickly looked in Walmart for shoes/sandals, and their selection was abysmal. Currently, I have one pair of sandals I’ve been wearing since I moved down here, and they’re starting to look their age. Besides their condition, I’m looking for something more than just another pair of flip-flop things. I want to find something with a fat, chunky sole that will look cute with all the new retro clothes.

I think I’ll probably go to Target today; it’s right across the street from Walmart, so it’s not like I’m going out of my way. I could also to buy ingredients for dinner while I’m out, if needed. I have to check what we have for chicken in the fridge first. Mom thinks there’s chicken in the freezer, but we’ll see. We had quiche yesterday, and I think I’m owed something I actually like to eat.


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