I really want a Trapper Keeper.

I really want a Trapper Keeper.

The weekend is here, and we’re starting things off with gray skies and showers. I’ve been up since around… I don’t even know. It was dark, and it was Mal, so I’m going to assume around 4:30am. I didn’t find anything on the floor where he had been, so I think he was just choking.

As expected, the thunder started just after lunch yesterday. I spun poi for a bit, before the rain started to show up. About an hour after the thunder started, the rain started in earnest. It didn’t really stop until dinner, and then the ground was soggy. From the looks of this weekend’s weather reports, I can expect more of the same for this weekend.

On the other hand, Rhode Island is looking to catch an edge of hurricane Henri heading in its direction. I’m so happy to be out of that house. I know it could handle a storm without coming down. Anything remotely considered a tropical storm-level gusts to RI, and the house will lose a lot of dodgy siding.

Hurricane strength gusts? Sorry, girl. Those chimneys are coming down, and you bet your ass some will drop straight into the exhaust flue. Sucks about your furnace, but at least it’s not winter when it’s getting repaired.

I believe it’s going to be a typical Saturday here. There’s grocery shopping to do, which means I need to put on some proper clothes.


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