I need to do something.

I need to do something.

It’s morning, it’s cloudy, and Chaucer is the neediest boy ever this morning. I’ve been awake, but not as long as usual. I neglected to put the sleepytime playlist on repeat when I went to bed, so it played through and then went on to play similar stuff. Generally, I’m ok with its suggestions, just not when I need something relaxing. Sometimes, the suggestions are a bit… intense.

Lookin’ at you, Max Richter.

We survived Sloth Day. I played Witcher for a while, up until Shawshank served brunch. Then, I rewarded his service by giving him the controller. I worked on the same three pairs of pants that I’ve been working on this last week. They’ve been an absolute slog to finish. Two of the three pairs use a heavy satin for the waistband and ankle cuffs, which frays if you simply look at it. Bits of silver threads litter the carpet. All three pairs needed the ankles gathered up, which I did on Friday, and this is where I learned an important lesson:

The gathered fabric doesn’t want to be gathered, so fucking pin that shit before putting down the project.

Whatever. They’ve all got cuffs and shit now, stage 2 complete. I’ll run the elastic through everything today. From what I’ve seen of the weather forecast, I probably won’t be able to take outdoor photos anytime over the next couple of days due to questionable precipitation. Indoor photos might be doable, however. I wasn’t able to take any pics over the last week or two, but I’m hoping I can put some more inventory up on Etsy this week. Maybe I’ll run a sale.

Aside from potentially doing pants-related shit, I don’t think we have plans. Shawshank is working for at least half the day. The robot will handle the floors this morning. I’ll figure out something.


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