Human Day

Friday: sunny, chilly. I actually spent a solid minute last night where I had to mentally convince myself it was Thursday, because my internal clock is completely borked since leaving work. Helpfully, Shawshank‘s morning post comfirmed today is Friyay. He also pondered whether or not Friday is really the start of the weekend if one has to work on Saturday. I want to know if it’s really the start of the weekend if you don’t work at all. Is it buffalo chicken and sweet potato fry night if every day could be a weekend?

I spent much of post-workout yesterday lounging about in my rammy-jammies. I kept busy over the weekend and the beginning of the week with the test site I’d set up to demo the inventory/shop site for Shawshank to show his boss. However, now that he’s set it up and he’s adding items, I don’t have anything to “work on”.

I’m a little lost right now. I told Shawshank to keep an eye on me. He’s worried about how I’ll handle this weird period of time until I can actually leave here. There’s still stuff to do, but not a lot left. Unlike work, household stuff’s not enough to keep me occupied and out of my thoughts. Yesterday was probably the worst I’ve been in a long time, and I can’t even remember the last time I reached that point. The same old rumination bullshit. I was alternately replaying past events as they actually happened and then spiraling through things that could have been done or said with different outcomes. It wasn’t good.

So I’m trying to keep up with a mini routine of workouts and Netflix and Albion. Every other day I put real clothes on and pretend to be a robot in a skin suit and do some chores.

Things are still progressing with the sale of the house. Today, I have to call the mortgage company. I need payoff amount for the title company, and I need to talk about options for this month. My stimulus hasn’t come in yet, botching budgety things a little. Tomorrow, workers will be in to handle a few repairs: some random electrical things, peeling paint, a couple of corroded pipes, and some stairway issues. An appraiser will be by on Monday afternoon.

Time for clothing. Today s a human day.

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