

Yo, new day just dropped. Bit of clouds, no sun, but no rain. It’ll do. I woke up around 4:30am, and spent the remainder of the morning restless and trying to sleep again. While I may have achieved some form of sleep, it was nothing great. It was the three day old pizza of sleep: meets the definition of sleep, recognizable as sleep, but is it really worth it?

I pinned a few more panels in place on the skirt-o-ties yesterday afternoon. I didn’t finish more than that, because I didn’t feel like actually doing anything. If I could have just sat down and sewn things together, I’d have been productive. However, I would have needed to fuck with the bobbin. I didn’t want to work, I wanted to craft. Instead, I opened up a couple of ties and pinned them in place. I’ll do the work stuff today.

We spent most of the afternoon gaming. I played some Skyrim, Shawshank played some Tears of The Kingdom. I’m working my way around the map, exploring, picking up quests here and there and turning things in as I realize I’ve completed something. A fair bit of book theft is happening. I need a bigger house with more storage. Breezehome’s two bookcases just don’t cut it, gimme that big stone place in Solitude.

Later, we went out to the secondhand shop. They pulled their Halloween stuff out of storage, and I left with three costume pieces:

  • Batgirl uniform and mask
  • Sexy devil bodysuit
  • tiny hands

Shit’s about to get real weird on my Fansly.

I have some pants to photograph today. I’m hoping there will be enough light for pictures this afternoon, as the weather forecast claims should be at least somewhat sunny later. If I time everything right, I can do what I need to do early and then spend the afternoon enjoying some spin time.


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