Gray Monday

Gray Monday

Good morning, world. Happy Brunchday. TinyTown is gray and covered with clouds, and the first real flakes are in the forecast. The weather north of The Wall is definitely shifting.

The forecast as of last night

We saw flurries a couple of weeks ago, right at the beginning of the month. They only lasted a few minutes: just long enough for Old Man Winter to say I can start this shit any time I want. Mind you, we nearly hit 70°🦅 twice last week.

While we didn’t go out to Shady Acres for dinner, we made it a good day. Shawshank jumped the truck battery. We keep bringing it back from the dead. At this point, I’m considering “renaming” the Hot Mess Express “Lazerus”. We arrived in Slightly BiggerTown just after the grocery store opened, got what we needed, grabbed lunch, and then drove back home.

Shawshank played No Man’s Sky for most of the early afternoon. I love watching him play because he’s on all the pretty planets. He has trees that light up, bright colors everywhere, or shit like funky geometric mineral formations. In contrast, my “home” galaxy is an utter dead zone of either deserts or tundra. I give him the answers to the puzzles.

I played Skyrim on TikTok. The regulars were in, and Shawshank was my hype man again. I was awkward. I didn’t get any new 🌶subscribers🌶, but I made ~$23 in TikTok gifts and was tipped another $10 on Wishtender. Between subs and tips this week, I didn’t feel too bad about picking up Disco Elysium on sale.

So far, I’ve stumbled on a few quest lines from the Skyrim anniversary upgrade. I’d say I get my ass handed to me roughly half the time. The new player houses and my pet goat make up for the ass whupping.

Today, we’ll brunch. I’ll be human, but barely. Maybe I’ll make a pot of tea later.


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