Give me the sprouts

Bonan matenon, miaj amoj. It’s Tueday, it’s sunny, and today will be a better day than yesterday.

Shawshank knew I was upset last night, and we had a little extra time on the phone. He called and was armed with a list of things he wanted me to find and/or keep. “On top of the bookcase in the Pink Room is a Tragically Hip collector’s set… keep the pint glasses from the races, and the medals from our half-marathons.” We talked a bit about the variety of trash I’m hauling out to the curb tonight, and how discouraged I’m feeling about everything.

But mostly, he just listened, and that’s what I needed.

I had a much better sleep last night. By 8:30 pm, I’d taken my sleeping cocktail, and I was nodding off by 10:30 pm. I don’t even remember if Mal came up to bed with me. I remember telling the cats, “c’mon boys, it’s bedtime,” and pretty much nothing else after that. Unfortunately, I think I’m going to need another sleep like that before I’ll be awake enough for a morning workout. I might shoot for one tonight, after dinner. I’d like to be able to say “oh, I’ll get a workout when I take out all the trash.” However, I know that’s not a workout. We’ll see how I feel after today’s shift and pulling out the trash. I’m looking forward to a dinner involving a big bowl of roasted Brussels sprouts, and a hot shower.

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