Cleaning, Clearing out, and Corona-ing

Oh, look, another weekend almost over. I’ve managed to start the laundry, bought cat food for the boys, filled the truck’s gas tank, and hit up the grocery for some extras for the week. Two eBay auctions finished, and I packed them for shipping tomorrow; one more auction is finishing up tonight. I’ll take some pictures of a few more sets of the remaining Lego, and the rest of my My Little Pony collection. I figure I can get a few more auctions of of the ponies. In theory, I could sell it all at once. However, that would be an absolute pain in the ass, and I think it would be better to separate things a little. Consequently, I’ll sell the Pretty Parlor and Show Stable on their own, one enormous lot of original ponies, and whatever remaining MLP: Friendshit Is Magic.

That is an amazing typo up there, and I’m leaving it.

I’m watching our governor on tv, doing her daily Corona update. My state is inhabited by a huge population of idiots who think the rules don’t apply to them. She’s trying really hard to avoid giving a shelter in place order and shutting EVERYTHING down. Unfortunately, it seems as though my state’s mentality is “I don’t need to worry because everyone else will worry.” We’ve entered a new stage of lockdown, which is “I’m going to drive around the state when I’m done with this conference, and if I see you in bunches of people socializing, I am not going to be happy, and you’re not going to be happy when I’m done with you.”

Two weeks ago, corporate sent out a video explaining what the company is doing for its employees to keep us healthy. Namely, “Don’t use masks or gloves, they don’t help much and we’re sending you some wipes!” We started seeing more people wearing masks at work starting late last week. Then the CDC and WHO announced “you know, maybe that’s not a bad idea”. According to a friend who works in another location, her district just started recommending employees wear masks at work. Thus, the bad-ass pharmacy bandit.

It’s really fucking warm. Also, it serves to highlight to me how ridiculously my brain works. I’m somewhat hearing-impaired, and kept moving the mask to hear people when I was wearing it out to the pet store this morning.

Project GET SHIT DONE continues

While cleaning out The Pink Room, I found the last custom pony I was working on. I started her when we bought the house in 2014. She’s painted, but I never got around to rooting her hair. Since I have all the supplies, I think I might use part of next weekend to finish what I started. When I finish with her, I’ll sell the remaining supplies.

As for the cleaning, it’s coming along. I cleared out a cabinet yesterday, packing up the plates and washing the shelves. In addition to the cabinet, I cleaned off the counter top and the backsplash. Only three more cabinets to go through, two of which are going to be fucking awful to do because of their weird set up.

There’s one more cabinet that’s full of glassware I need to clear out. Once again, I’m faced with clearing out “stuff”. We have several pint glasses we got for participating in a couple of half-marathons. I also have a set of glasses I inherited when we moved into my grandmother’s apartment after she passed. While I’d like to keep them simply because I don’t want to spend money buying more, honestly, we never use them. Shawshank and I usually just have a couple of refillable water bottles in the fridge. The glasses are sentimental because they were hers, but that’s it.

I packed a couple of heavy blankets into trash bags, ready to put them out on the curb for Wednesday’s trash. I’m rapidly reaching the point where I want to drag everything outside and be done with it all.

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