Sunday with the Cats

Sometimes, I’m not sure why I bother with the family bullshit. Yesterday, I brought all the stuff I’d put aside for my nephew down to my sister’s house. He’s super cute, and I always enjoy seeing him. I’d loaded the truck with a big tote full of Lego, some extra Lego in an additional storage option, two squirt guns, and a little wooden step stool. He’s a little bit too young to understand just how awesome those two giant squirt guns are. Sister is very pregnant and just broke a plastic step stool, so the wooden one was perfect.

We were chatting about the house. Like Mom, her first question was “are you ready to sell?”. I gave her the same answer I give my mother, I’m almost there, the border’s not open anyway, etc.

“Do you even want to go up there?” she asked.

“Do you know how his charge is gonna work up there?” That’s another one of my mom’s questions.

“I don’t know why you don’t just take all the money from the house and just run,” she said. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I just say that out loud?”

Yes. Yes you did.

“Listen, I support you, but that’s as far as it goes.”

After that joy-filled family visit, I headed home. I stopped for gas, then bought some cat food. I ended up buying two bags of different foods for them. First and foremost, I wanted to get them used to a different food. Once we’re north of the border – whenever that may be – I don’t think we’ll be able to buy Chaucer‘s SPECIAL KITTY CAN’T PEE prescription food very conveniently. Second, it’s fucking expensive, and $40 for about a month of cat food is ridicuous. I did some research and found a non-prescription food to mix with the prescription stuff, bought a bag of both, and made a much bigger amount of food for them for about the same cost.

By the time I made it home, it was mid-afternoon. I’d stopped at the grocery and picked up some stuff for lunch and dinner. All I wanted to do was make myself a sandwich and then do a week’s worth of dishes. I was hungry, and sad about my visit with my sister. Instead, I walked into the kitchen to find shattered glass and cat food everywhere. I found shards all over the kitchen. How did they break one of their bowls? I have no idea. Cats gonna cat.

Eventually, most of the dishes were done. I packed up a bunch of glasses, serving dishes, and coffee mugs. If it’s just me, I don’t need six coffee mugs. My sister didn’t want any of the serving dishes. Everything will go out in next week’s trash.

There was some good stuff, however. I had a great diner of spicy mussels and shrimp. After dinner, I went outside and spun the poi for a while. I’m trying to learn a new trick, and ended up almost perfecting another one while trying to figure out the first one.

This morning, the boys will go to the vet. I don’t look forward to it at all, because I know they’ll cry the entire ride down and back home. I hate when they do that, I feel like the worst cat-mom ever. When I come home, I’ll go through the rest of the clothes in the Pink Room, and pull out the last of the dressier clothes from the closet in there. I’ll take some pictures of the stuff upstairs. I’ll do the laundry.

I’ll keep going.


  1. September 6, 2020

    Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. You got this.

    You’re not a bad cat mom. You’re a great cat mom because you’re looking out for their health. Now make them a sandwich and take a bite out of the side. And remember, Chaucer likes his cut diagonally.

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