fritzing beeps

fritzing beeps

Happy morning. It’s Wednesday. I have a mug of coffee and load of clothes in the wash already, and Mal tossed his morning cookies just before I got out of bed, so it looks like this morning will be pretty typical.

I went outside yesterday for much of the afternoon. For the most part, I painted. Christmas present #1 is pretty much done. I’m at a point where it doesn’t need that much to finish it, and honestly, anyone looking at it would probably consider it finished. However, it looks too flat to me, and I’m going to be very careful and add a bit more depth to it. Gift #2 – a painting of the Compound – was pretty much spoiled when Brian’s mom came outside while I was working on it yesterday. Fortunately, much of it was covered by my arm due to what I was painting at the time, including one of the “landmarks” in the front yard.

Also, I’m pretty sure she’s just dumb enough to not recognize her own fucking house.

I spun poi for a little while as well. It was nice to be outside, and the weather was perfect. I did a little bit of practice with some tosses. Ultimately, it was mostly about 45 minutes of dancing around the backyard to some decent music.

I’ve hit the two week countdown until I head northward for the holidays. I’m terrified. I’m making all sorts of mental lists and working up a variety of ominous scenarios in my head. One of my major fears was put to rest yesterday, when I realized one layover was almost an hour longer than expected, giving me more time to get through the airport in Orlando. I plan to go through the truck this afternoon and dig out my mittens and look for a hat. I’m not sure if I saved a hat. Shawshank assures me he has hats up there that I can wear. It’s not the same.

Aside from my laundry, I don’t have anything happening. Mom is going to her friend’s house to clean. I’ll clean my bathroom and tidy my bedroom somewhat; I would love to move the cats’ crates into the spare room. I probably won’t do much of anything.

Story of my life.


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