three cheers for tiny shit

Good morning, world. We’ve got ourselves another Wednesday. The forecast looks good, with some spotty sunlight outside. Again, it’s not last week’s bone-chilling cold, which is awesome. There’s flurries on the agenda, but I don’t think any real accumulation. While the temperature isn’t supposed to go above freezing, the weather should be somewhat decent. And by decent, I mean “two layers is probably enough”.

Shawshank had to work yesterday, so I had a day to myself. I chilled in jammies all morning, watching resin diorama videos on YouTube. I finally put clothes on after lunch. Temps were above freezing for some time, so I snagged the chance to go outside and spin the poi. I was outside for about half an hour, and had a great time. I only quit after a weird tangle ripped one pod out of my grip and tossed it into the snow. I went off the shoveled path and into knee-deep powder to retrieve the errant poi, then went back inside to warm up again.

Unrelated to anything at all, I want to make a couple of terrariums. Specifically, I want to make one native to the US to take here. Once I get up here on a more permanent basis, I want to make one to bring back to my mom. Could I make one now and bring it back? I think I need a research day. I don’t think there’s much of anything alive right now… which actually might be better for me now that I think about it.

I painted a bit yesterday afternoon.

For once, I spent the entire time working on one of my own miniatures. I think I spent most of the time working on the little “molten” effects in the inset areas of the armor and his ax blade. I’m pretty happy with how the effect turned out, aside from the fact that I inevitably fucked it up every time I painted the black around it. After this photo was taken, I painted some of the gold and silver areas, the bony bits, and added some more volumetric shading to his musculature. At some point, I moved the magnifier lamp and knocked over a paint pot and spilled $5 worth of paint all over Shawshank‘s kitchen table. Then, right before I finished for the night, I painted a shitload of gold stuff back to black again because I didn’t like the direction things were going.

Yeah. So that’s how the mini painting‘s going.

I don’t have any plans today. I’ve got coffee #2 beside me, and a queue full of closed ecosystem videos. I think it’s time to start my day. Here’s to tiny, self-contained worlds and paints.

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