I picked up two bathing suits yesterday.
Apparently, the secret to finding a bathing suit I really like is to angrily grab a one-piece and a mix and match bikini set, then buy them without ever trying them on.
I’m pleased. They’re both very much my style, I think. Maybe it’s just that I’ve been spending so much time in the body positivity parts of Tiktok, but I like the way I look in both of them.
That might not seem like much to anyone, but it’s a fucking HUGE step for me. A year ago, I was upset and struggling with the fact that I was 10 lbs heavier than what I consider my ideal weight. And over the last year, I’ve eaten a lot of feelings.
Twenty pounds of feelings, or thereabouts.
I’ve worked hard to get things under control without going back to my fully blown disordered eating habits. It’s a bit easier here in Florida. I’m not snacking, even though I have a decent stash of Poptarts and Cliff bars in my room.
While it’s not my usual hour-long, brutalizing workouts, I go out and play with the staff and poi in the afternoons and evenings if it’s not too bad out. I did a good workout with some kettlebells the other day, under a tree and off of the fire ants.
I know I’ve lost some weight since I left Rhode Island. I couldn’t tell you how much; there’s no scale in the house, as far as I can tell. Honestly, I’m ok with that. I’m ok with things right now, and I don’t want to ruin that.