everybody’s working for the weekend

everybody’s working for the weekend

Good morning, decent people of the internet. Welcome to the weekend, let it be everything we’ve worked for over the past week. I’m awake before my alarm. Once again, the cats, obviously in the last stages of their 12-hour starvation cycle, woke me up for food.

The local news just reported on someone who recently contracted bubonic plague – nowhere near here, just a filler report. Authorities in that area are warning people to be wary of unusual rodent behavior. The local news anchor, when the report finished, said “so it could be rabies, or it could be the plague. Got it.”

Yesterday was another shit-filled shift at work. I walked in at noon and said good morning to StressedRPh and NewTech. StressedRPh was living up to her alias. They’d already given five flu shots before I’d arrived. We finished up the day with 11 shots total, including some dude who showed up for two shots 25 minutes before we closed. Things may have been manageable if DayTech was in. Instead, we had NewTech and she’s a fucking potato. 🥔

NewTech left at 2pm ON THE FUCKING DOT. Just dropped everything she was doing and peaced out.

When I left, I hit the liquor store and Wendy’s.

But that was yesterday.

Today, I’ve got shit to do. In a couple of hours, I’ll head down to my sister’s with some Lego. I don’t know how long I’ll stay there, probably not too long. There will be a trip to buy some cat food. When I’m home, I’ll do the dishes and clean the kitchen while the laundry runs.

I think I’m going to make an attempt to empty out the “coffee nook” this weekend. It’s a dresser that holds bakeware, coffee machine, and microwave. If I can sell that, it’s one less thing to deal with, and I can put the appliances on the folding table that’s already in there. I should also list the dresser and tables upstairs for sale on Facebook; maybe that would be the impetus I need to actually clean up the rest of upstairs. Plus, there’s still some things to bring downstairs for this week’s trash pickup.

As for the rest of today, I haven’t decided. I’ll make something yummy for dinner, probably my leftover mac and cheese with hot dogs. It’s nice enough to spend some time outside tonight, and I should make sure the poi and my speaker are charged.

Oh well, that’s the plan. I’m going to start the day. The coffee’s almost done anyway.


  1. How’s this for a dinner idea:

    Spicy mussels in Kraft Dinner?!?

    Win win if you ask me!

    • crystal

      Cheesy mussels?


      That sounds AWFUL.

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