Can it be….? Are we going to have two days of sunshine?

It looks like it. If it is, it’ll be a nice change from the early Spring weather we’ve had for two weeks. I woke up early, but I’m not certain about when. The forecast says it should be an ok day, for the most part. Maybe I’ll go outside for a while. Get my flow on.

I kept busy yesterday. Aside from my morning Just Dance session, I spent the day doing things I’ve put off for the last couple of weeks. The dancing went ok. I achieved a couple of high scores. I cut things off earlier than usual because I hadn’t chosen proper clothes and was too warm, and I wasn’t giving it my all. Some new songs dropped yesterday. I tried one or two of them, but I don’t think any of them really jumped out at me in a “OMG I NEED TO MOVE MY BODY” sort of way. I’ll do them, and I’ll try to get the achievements, but so far I’m feeling very meh on them.
Now that I think about it, I didn’t do any of my regular shit yesterday. I stayed out of the playlists. Instead, I randomly chose things. Maybe if I had actually done a few of the routines I’m good at, my mood would’ve been better and I would have stuck with it longer. Ubisoft has promised custom playlists are coming in the near future, and that’ll definitely be helpful.
After the gaming, and a Poptart lunch, I hauled pants out of the front closet to start the finishing process. Most of them are now finished-finished. Initially, I was planning to finish the edge and add snaps to the waistband channel on each pair, which would make it easier for someone to alter them to fit later, if needed. Then I decided I didn’t want to add extra bullshit to my plate. I closed them up very simply, but a buyer can easily undo it to make their own adjustments if they want. There are still a bunch of pairs to be worked on, but the majority are finished.
Shawshank came home in the afternoon. I cleaned up my piles of fabric and replaced them with piles of hair. I’ve brought my installation time down to about 4 hours now. This time around, I was more careful about tension and making sure each loc’s base was in the right position. They’re much more comfortable than my last install. I added a few of the ones I’d made myself, and I’m curious about how well they’ll hold up.
Let’s get today going. I want to move.