Hello, world. I’m awake. I’m out of bed. That’s it. The bar is set low. Anything else I do today should be considered fucking amazeballs.
I streamed yesterday morning, playing Divinity. Chaucer made himself right at home on the couch beside me for a while. I can’t decide which viewers are thirstier, the night shift or the morning crew. Morning crew guys are just insane.

On the other hand, the legion of night shift guys includes the dude who changed his username to reflect his “relationship” with me.

Shawshank came home in the afternoon, wiped out. He stayed up long enough to exchange pleasantries with me and the cats, then went into the bedroom to nap for an hour. We enjoyed a dinner of poutine and popcorn chicken. After dinner, the complete meltdown I’ve been brewing for a month came out and ruined the night.
I’m going to have another coffee and put on the human suit.