Cold, Clear, Stress Spiral

Cold, Clear, Stress Spiral

Good morning, my friends. Welcome to Tuesday. It’s cold and clear, and it’s literally the calm before the storm we’re expecting to hit tomorrow night. “A mostly snow event, with significant accumulation” is what they predict. The guy who used to do my lawn messaged last night to let me know he’s available to clear snow. Sorry, Gordon, I can shovel, I just can’t start the lawn mower.

Yesterday was everything a Monday could possibly be. It was a busy day. The front store’s scheduled cashier called out because she stepped on a nail. The front store manager had an interview scheduled, but the applicant never showed up. That was the second applicant who didn’t show, out of three potential people. StressedRPh is pissed because she’s not part of the hiring process. I can understand her frustration; she has to work with this person, not the store manager.

Two of our regulars are in quarantine with positive cases of Covid. We had a couple of large orders sent over for them on Friday, all respiratory meds and a cocktail of vitamins. I talked with one of them yesterday. He told me someone in his household had gone out to a bar for karaoke night and been exposed the two of them. “I’m fucked, Crystal”, he told me. “I’ve got pneumonia and the Covid.” Neither of them are super healthy to start with. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if we found out his wife dies from this.

We dropped the price on the house by $10k yesterday. Someone was in last night just before I came home, and there’s two more showings scheduled for tonight. It will work out ok, since I’ll be at work for both of them. I plan for a quick workout this morning, then do the morning “tidy time”. I don’t think I’ve made my bed this much in my life, even when I had a bed.

I won’t say I’m not worried about selling. I’m terrified it won’t sell. Honestly, I’m terrified of everything happening right now. If I’m not worried that the house won’t sell, I’m freaking out about my drive south. I just noticed that my truck’s insurance payment overdrew one of the bank accounts overnight, so now I’m worried about that. Then there’s the big worry: the drive north and all of that.

Ok. I’m going to head upstairs to do something physical before I stress myself into a spiral. Have a good Tuesday, my friends.


  1. Tanya

    Do you still plan on heading through Philly?

    • crystal

      I’m not sure, since I’m making one trip south to Florida and then another north to Canada. I’m not sure how close to Philly I’ll be on the way down (sticking to I-95 on the way down I think). I’ll know more in a couple of weeks when I have a set date and plan the route.

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