Charge up the Kindle, it’s going to be a boring day.

Charge up the Kindle, it’s going to be a boring day.

Good morning, world. It’s Tuesday. The coffee is hot, the air is humid, and the cats are being cats. Which is to say, the cats are being assholes. Last night, I went into my room and found Knickknack in my window. I’d have loved to see her hoist her fat ass onto the sill. Just now, a little wren flew up to the front window and grabbed onto the screen. Chaucer absolutely lost his little cat brain.


Not only is she antisocial, I’m fairly certain she’s a demon.

♬ original sound – Poptart Apocalypse

I’m waiting for Mal to poop. His GI issues seemed to be getting better, but things were back to the alien-poo again yesterday. I really don’t want to go to the vet AGAIN.

I’m not entirely certain what we’re doing today. Mom says there’s something she wants to do, but she can’t remember what it is. I know she wanted to look at paint colors for her bedroom and the living room. She said that’s something, but not what she was thinking of. We can expect rain for much of the day, so it’s not going to be outdoor stuff, that’s for sure.

I want a buffalo chicken wrap and sweet potato fries.

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