cat shenanigans

cat shenanigans

Happy Thursday, people. It’s cold and dark, as usual. My nose is running. I’ve been awake, as usual. It is what it is. And what it is is a pain in the ass. I think I’m still getting too warm during the night. I’m going to try another experiment with the combination of covers. Maybe switching out something will help.

I napped for a little while yesterday. This was not part of my plans. I was up and about and actually dressed. I tried out the new Bluetooth camera remote (it works!) before Shawshank came home for lunch. After lunch, I wanted to take a bath and record some content, and actually started getting ready before my plans were foiled. Pippin insisted she needed to be held, or at least be really close to me. While I’m ok with her strutting her stuff on the edge while I dance in the tub, OnlyFans is not. With a bath now out of the question, I tried to enjoy a little bit of spin time instead. Pippin continued her shenanigans, swatting the poi, and I gave up any sort of afternoon activities. I grabbed the heavy quilt, found yet another nature show, and slept.

I’m keeping an eye on Chaucer, who started limping a little yesterday. Not a big limp, and not all the time, but it’s obvious that he’s favoring it a little. We’re assuming he borked it a little during a game of chase with Pippin, and doing our best to keep him from jumping off the bed. I really don’t want to put him in the crate again for a vet ride.

Today I’m going to take on my human form and do shit. I don’t know what that shit is just yet, but I’ll do something.


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