C is for Cookie

C is for Cookie

I really want cookies. Do I have cookies? Of course not. I have protein cookies, but I want big, buttery chocolate chip cookies. Do I have all the makings of chocolate chip cookies? Of course I do. I could make them. Dozens of them, actually.

However, I haven’t had nearly enough alcohol to make cookies that wouldn’t be done until damned near midnight. Booze be damned, I’m an instant gratification type of girl.


  1. Girl, I ate all my buttery peanut butter related cookies and I’ve got about two shots left. The trolley line to the liquor store is suspended and they’re only doing curbside pu. They were closed for a long time, cuz PA. Rough times!

  2. If only we could’ve been roommates through this stay at home, it might have been the bomb, yo. I’m being presumptuous and I don’t know what I bring to the relationship, but you could’ve taught me awesome cooking. I would’ve needed a sugar mama, tho lol

  3. Guess it’s best that I stayed here to fall in love with my soon to be ex who acted like the friend I’ve missed for two years and has confusingly snuggled with me… and kind of has to continue to $ support me while I get income back… weird stuff.

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