Good morning, interwebby folks. Welcome to yet another Friday. I had a crappy sleep last night, and it was another case of the perfect recipe for a bad sleep. I haven’t been sleeping very well since I flew out of Regina last weekend.
I’m used to sharing the bed, be it with a cat or a human. I had neither last night. I took some melatonin while I was on the phone with Shawshank, but unfortunately it has a very narrow window of drowsiness. If I don’t decide to sleep RIGHT THEN, I’m not tired anymore. In fact, I’m the exact opposite. Mal would be by my side no matter where I was in the house, but especially at bedtime, and I’m really missing that. Chaucer will usually come into my bed when Mom goes to bed, but she fell asleep in her chair last night. Consequently, Chaucer didn’t come in until about 1am.
Then, and only then, did I get to sleep.
I went out with Mom, Brian’s mom, and their friend yesterday. We went to Alabama in search of shower doors. We didn’t find any. As soon as we walked in, I could tell it wasn’t the type of place that carried what they wanted. However, I got to walk around a hardware store that was filled with all sorts of fixtures and doo-dads. I found an absolutely fucking amazing jar to make a terrarium in, but I didn’t want to spend $40 on it. We went to one other place in our fruitless search, then grabbed lunch at a pizza buffet. I can’t complain about a day out where I didn’t have to pay for anything.

Neither of these animals looks particularly thrilled with me. The bear looks like he’s having an existential crisis. The gorilla positively exudes an attitude of “would you look at this bitch”.
Brian texted Mom this morning to let her know he’d seen a black bear on one of the local roads. “Saw a bear on 98”, he wrote. Well shit, that’s only something like 2 minutes from the house! That’s “keep the animals inside”-vicinity! When he called her 5 minutes later, he told her whereabouts he’d seen it. It was crossing 98, but it was at least 20 minutes away.
My family up in the northeast is gearing up for a snowstorm. I’m quite happy to be down here right now. In my brief experience north of The Wall, they know how to drive in the snow. New England? Not so much.
I don’t have anything on the agenda today. The skies are pretty gray at the moment, and the air is cool. There’s also a high wind advisory as the day goes on. Looks like I’ll be spending another afternoon either playing Baldur’s Gate or surfing Reddit. Games? Sure, it’s how I spent most of yesterday. If I can’t spin poi outside then I’ll be a badass bald chick in a game inside. Maybe something good for dinner.