Good morning, world, what’s left of it anyway.
The morning, I mean, not the world.
The snow stopped yesterday afternoon. TinyTown being what it is, only the business district streets are cleared. That’s about two streets, and everything else is pretty much a blaze your own trail funfest. Shawshank went to Shady Acres to help shovel them out. Today’s clear and cold, but at least it’s not snowing. Actually, I’m happy it’s not not windy. I can handle snow, I can’t handle freezing wind.
Much of yesterday was spent building Warhammer minis and priming them.
I built another mini and its base, then started painting the Space Roach‘s base. I’m really digging how the lava base is turning out. I feel like there’s a lot of little tweaks to do to it. However, I feel like they’re not the tweaks that I like to add just because I can, they’re things that need to be changed. But there’s nothing about it that makes me thing “uuuuugh…. ” every time I look at it, which is awesome.
Since the shop isn’t open on Tuesdays, Shawshank asked if he was needed in work or if it would be another day to sit home and look at the pretty snow. His boss said that was fine with her. We went to a couple of the local hardware/farm/auto supply shops to find more super glue and primer. Unfortunately, we struck out on the primer. We’ll live, and do what we can with what we have here at home.
We just finished a lunch of bacon and eggs. Shawshank has a few nuns to start painting once he’s finished with the lunch dishes. I’ll work on my miniature base’s tweaks and the miniatures themselves.
We’ll put on something for noise, and then do fuckall.