Adults are Boring

Anyone do anything interesting this weekend? We’re boring. Being adults is boring. I know I should be happy there’s nothing going on right now to make things not-boring, but right now there’s nothing on tv but a dog obstacle course competition and it’s only highlighting how boring we are.

Saturday was pretty standard. As planned, he mowed the lawn. He had to stop midway through the job to get some more gas for the mower. I did a long workout while he mowed, and that felt good.

After the mowing and the workout was finished, we made lunch. We were both starving by that point, and he ate the last of the chicken pot pie we’d made earlier in the week while I ate a turkey pocket. The shopping was tackled in the afternoon, and we managed to only pick up one or two things that weren’t on our shopping lists. Shopping finished, we did whatever leftover chores needed to be done, and he finished mowing the yard while I washed some dishes.

The rest of the day was spent doing nothing. We watched some Netflix, but don’t ask me what it was because I wasn’t paying much attention. He made a point to stay out of the kitchen when I was making dinner, because he knew he’d only be in my way if it wasn’t turning out the way I wanted.

Our Saturday night movie was “The Perfection”. It wasn’t bad. Nothing amazing or rememberable, but I don’t regret watching it. He also watched The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension.


Today, we’re not going to be doing anything. I had a good sleep until morning hit, and then I had a really terrible dream that has totally fucked with my head. Maybe I’ll nap. More Netflix, and doing the laundry. We’ll be roasting some tomatoes for a soup we’re having for dinner later this week, and I’ll be setting up my weekly planner.

Enjoy what’s left of your weekend, my friends 🙂

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