adorable pants and burning shit

adorable pants and burning shit

Morning, y’all. We’ve got ourselves a sunny weekend, which is fortunate, because we’ll be going out twice. I had a better sleep last night, and managed to stay asleep until at least 5:30am, which is even better.

I finished two pairs of pants yesterday. First, I finished the pants with the contrasting bands and they’re ridiculously fun. They’re the perfect amount of billowy, I hit the jackpot with the perfect combination of fabric weight and yardage. Unfortunately, there’s at least one tiny pinhole-sized tear, and I’m debating embroidering a flower or buying a cute patch to cover it.

The second pair is utterly adorable. I used a duvet cover for it. I’m in love with the big fat ruffle on the ankles. Thankfully, I had absolutely nothing to do with the cummerbund pleating on the legs. I would have gone insane. I would have thrown the entire project in the trash.

Fuck yo pleats. Let the machines do it.

As planned, I also spent the morning adding the most recent “catalog-ready” pants to the Etsy shop. All I needed to do was update their measurements, and it probably took me all of five minutes. But, again, I hate the tedious minutiae of small business bullshit.

I wanted to cap off the night with a couple of burns. Unfortunately, that wasn’t in the cards for me. We brought everything out to the street a little earlier, and lit me up. It went ok. I set up my tripod in a different spot. Consequently, the street sloped differently underfoot, and it really messed with me. I don’t think I spun off enough fuel, because I felt like the flames were a bit higher, but that could also have been anxiety about my footing. I actually considered putting down the flaming Kevlar marshmallows and letting them go out. However, moving into the middle of the street helped immensely, and I was able to finish my burn. We let them cool off for a bit before trying again.

The second burn was a bust. We couldn’t see how much fuel was left in the dip can, and it wasn’t enough. The first poi sucked up most of it, leaving enough for only one little corner of the second. I fucked around with one flaming poi, doing mostly rope-dart moves until it went out.

Shawshank has work this morning. We’re going out to Slightly BiggerTown in the afternoon, to do some food shopping and hit the dispo.


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