Last night, when we talked, Shawshank told me I need to keep the laptop off my lap. I complained I didn’t feel like I was accomplishing anything in the house. “It’s hard,” I told him. “I come home, I make some dinner for me and the boys. By the time that’s done there’s not enough light to take pics of the Lego, and I just don’t feel like I can do anything because there’s either no room to put the things I’m clearing out, or I don’t know where to begin. So I sit on the couch and write.”
However, I forced myself to actually do stuff today. I know I won’t finish anything if I don’t actually make the effort.
I only slept in a little late today, leaving the entire day to GET SHIT DONE. That’s the way I need to think about it. Capslocked and bold: GET SHIT DONE. I got the laundry in the washer. Then I pushed through a 90-minute workout, while Chaucer laid on a cedar chest and glared at me while licking his asshole. When I finished, I was just in time to see the governor giving a press conference about a 2-week quarantine in the state. Not a full lockdown, mind you, just “stay in your houses if you don’t need to be out”. Naturally, I took the opportunity to go do another small grocery shopping. I really only intended to go get tortillas so I could make fajitas tonight.
The grocery store was wiped out. There was no chicken AT ALL. Most of the milk coolers were empty, and even the almond milk was pretty bare. I lucked out and found a dozen eggs hidden with the yogurt, and grabbed them. Because I was already there, I snagged a couple of extra sweet potatoes and some apples. I couldn’t get into the pasta aisle to see how bad things looked in there.
There were no Spaghettios. NONE.
At this point, I’ve got about 2 weeks worth of meals for myself.

After shopping and lunch, I took out the white canvases and took some pictures of the smaller Lego sets. I also managed to finish the laundry. AND, since I was in the creepy basement anyway, I took pictures of our bikes and his longboard. I listed them on Facebook market, and his bike and the longboard already sold. I’m not looking to make a fortune off of selling this shit, I just want it gone. If I can score $20 for a bike, awesome.
My aunt messaged me this morning letting me know if the taxidermy collection is going to fall victim to The Purge, she’s willing to take it back into her home once more. “It’s definitely not coming with me,” I replied. I’ve got a new motto:
Everything must go, but I’m not throwing anything out.
I might try to sneak one into the truck though.