Get up, get moving

Good morning, mes amis. It’s a lovely sunny Saturday here. I slept in a bit, curled up between two cats. Unfortunately, I slept through the morning news, and now there’s some ridiculous show about genealogy 30 minute ad for on TV. The host arranges to go back a few generations and find random notable facts about some average person. Average person then holds a gathering where they present their findings, and all the guests look amazingly bored, except for one elderly woman who’s crying. Is she crying out of sheer joy of learning her roots? Or boredom? Whatever. I just can’t reach the remote.

I don’t have a lot of my agenda for the day. Like every Saturday, I’ll do a good workout. As I’ve been promising for a week now, I plan to take some pictures of Lego sets. I’d like to get some of the smaller sets up for sale on Reddit this weekend, I figure I’ll get more money for them there than I would on Facebook marketplace. The larger sets might get posted to a few different places, to maximize profit. However, I’d prefer selling local because I don’t want to deal with trying to ship them.

At this point, I could break them up and sell a giant bin of Lego.

Be done with it.

I need to get rid of a couple of boxes I took out of the closet. Sometimes, that’s what I feel like I’m doing, just move things around the house. However, these boxes are probably from several moves ago, and well beyond the lifespan of a Walmart stockroom box. They can’t be used to do much more than corral small things, they’re so old and fragile. If you look at them, the weight of your gaze will cause them to break down. I’m sure they’re releasing some sort of toxic dust as they disintegrate in my dining room.

Unfortunately, I need to leave the house for a little while. Both times this week, I’ve forgotten to buy tortillas at the grocery store, and I really want fajitas tonight. The weather’s supposed to be pretty nice, if only a little windy, and I’ll probably get the laundry going as well.

Oh well. Let’s get this shit going, shall we?

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